Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hati wa ader taman.Fine.

                Ok. for my sweetest diamond darling that i dont know who..
im not going to find you
im not going to ruin you
coz if you are for me
you are 4 my childrens(if lebeyh dry satu lar.amin)
coz i believe whether ur in rocks,glasses or some kind of lombong permata pun.
if we are fated. We'll be together kan
so let's just not waste your time,my money,your feelings,my love
for some unpromising period like those other lovers outside
i'll be waiting(but not at d jendela huh)
i cant promise u that u'll be the luckiest girl
but one thing i can 4 sure admit
u'll have my heart
every inch of it


              why am i writing this? kecewa?mengarat?ha2 ha2 and again ha2..
               im just wondering who that girl will be and i want her to know sumtin..

P/s : but if i died(no one knows right) b4 meeting that mysterious diamond girl that i dont know who..
        then i just have to believe that im not fated to get married in this world


  1. Biasa lah cuti dah x de kje sgt smpai blh mengarat ;p

    Haha, moga jumpa jodoh anda!

  2. follow me back ok?+================)

  3. sudah tercatat sebaris nama utk setiap hamba-Nya. Allah dah tetapkan siapa dia yang bakal dimiliki kita, jgn risau! =)

    (haha, kata2 dari org putus chenta-___- ayat memang selalu pasrah jer)

    Allah memutuskan utk menggantikan sst dgn yg lebih baik dr dulu~ take it easy.



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